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Vaccine Policy

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Advanced Pediatrics is committed to vaccinating every child on schedule unless a medical contraindication exists. 

All the medical providers at Advanced Pediatrics believe strongly in the effectiveness of vaccines in preventing illness and maintaining the health of children and adults. Vaccines simply save lives. This is why we require families of the practice to adhere to the recommended vaccine schedule published by Center for Disease Control (CDC) and endorsed by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). Vaccines are paired with well child visits to provide all the necessary care at one visit. 

We’re always happy to answer any questions, or to discuss any concerns, you may have about vaccines. We will do everything we can to support families, and to help you understand that vaccinating according to the schedule is the right thing to do. In a snapshot, these are our reasons for requiring vaccinations on schedule.
1. The evidence demonstrates that vaccines are safe.
2. The evidence clearly demonstrates that vaccines neither cause autism nor developmental delays.
3. The evidence clearly demonstrates that vaccines save lives.
4. We believe so much in vaccines that we have ALL vaccinated our own children on schedule.
We understand that controversy has followed vaccines since their inception, and that it will likely continue to surround them. This does not change the facts or the scientific evidence about the safety and tremendous effectiveness of immunizations. We are happy to speak with you regarding why certain vaccines are chosen for the schedule by experts in medicine and what side effects might be expected with each vaccine.

Why vaccines are so important

Likely you have never encountered a small infant hospitalized with whooping cough, or even known a child with bacterial meningitis. This is because of the extraordinary success of vaccines. But these illnesses will and continue to occur as parents elect not to vaccinate their children and expose others, such as newborns, who cannot be vaccinated. We will continue to advocate for immunizations which protect not only the child receiving them, but also the greater community as a whole.

What vaccines are required for school?

As defined in the Code of Virginia, the Commonwealth of Virginia requires certain vaccinations for school entry at various ages. These vaccination requirements follow the CDC Schedule of Vacciantions. As of 2021, the state updated its list of required vaccinations to include those that were previously just highly recommended. The Hepatitis A series, HPV series and Meningitis ACYW series are now required for school participation at various ages. We have always recommended these vaccinations, so there is a good chance your child is up to date with these. Check the portal to confirm your child's vaccination records.

What about an alternative vaccine schedule?

We recognize and respect a parent’s role as the ultimate decision maker for a child’s healthcare. We also believe strongly that we are obligated to deliver the best and safest healthcare possible for our patients and ensure the safety of all of our patients including those in our waiting rooms and exam rooms. Vaccines are critical to achieving this goal. For those electing an alternative schedule we encourage you to seek a practice that better fits your needs. If you have questions about vaccines we are happy to answer them and navigate you through the evidence that demonstrates they are safe, effective and important.