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The role of lactation support is to provide specialized care for the breastfeeding mother. Our goal is to help families reach their breastfeeding goals and answer any questions or concerns along the way. No matter your concern, our lactation specialists are here to help support you directly to address any present issues and develop a personalized support plan. 

Services are offered to patients and non-patients of Advanced Pediatrics and billed to insurance plans when coverage is available. Consultations can be obtained during regular doctor's visits and/or specifically scheduled appointments with one of our certified lactation consultants.

Typical Lactation Assessment can include: 

  • Oral exam of the infant to include suck and coordination at the breast, addressing any associated pain or discomfort, and focus on establishing ease during feedings
  • Addressing maternal health includes physical breast exam and the emotional and physical barriers that can be associated with breastfeeding
  • Observed feeding with support offered in a non-threatening manner
  • Evaluation of infant feeding techniques as well as maternal milk production
  • Pre and post-feeding weight checks to ensure adequate milk transfer
  • Instruction regarding support tools during feeding (examples: nipple shields, breast pumps, supplementation) 
  • Development of an individualized care plan for mother and baby
  • Referrals for tongue ties and other special needs
  • Pumping strategies for mothers returning to work or bottle-feeding
  • Continued support as needed throughout the breastfeeding journey